more coming SOON in the meantime>>>>
your graphic attention please.
Because all ponies have mullets..
Because the whore is greater than the sum of her parts.
Because creativity must come out or it destroys you.
Because humans are not the only important animals.
Every day animals are tortured, trapped, drowned,
beaten to death, slaughtered, force fed,
tested on, strangled, and electrocuted.
Because the unicorns are dead
because we need to make art not war.
The news is all lies.
Because the word Cûnt used to mean goddess.
Because we want to educate, liberate, exfoliate and celebrate.
Because advertisements are the leading cause of personal unhappiness.
Because our nation is pregnant with fear.
And abortion is still an issue.
Because the holocaust must never be forgotten.
Because cats paint.
mod podge is so hot right now.
Mulletpony has fangs.
Art that’s not trying to sell something
Our work is dedicated
to all the Braves Ponies
Who've died in “wars” they had nothing to do with.